ModeX Therapeutics

ModeX Therapeutics

Innovative multispecific immunotherapies for cancer and infectious disease. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
€273m (Public information from May 2022)
Natick Massachusetts (HQ)
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Valuation: $300m



Growth Equity VC
Total Funding€153m

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ModeX Therapeutics is a biotechnology startup that focuses on developing innovative treatments for complex diseases. The company's unique approach involves combining the power of multiple biologics into single molecules, aiming to create more effective medicines. This approach is particularly relevant for diseases that have multiple facets and require a comprehensive treatment strategy.

ModeX operates in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, serving a broad range of clients, including healthcare providers and patients suffering from complex diseases. The company's business model revolves around research and development of new therapeutic solutions, which are then patented and sold to healthcare providers or directly to patients.

The company generates revenue through the sale of its innovative therapeutic solutions. Additionally, ModeX may also earn income through strategic partnerships with other pharmaceutical companies, licensing its technology, or receiving funding for specific research projects.

ModeX is led by a team of experienced professionals who have served in top positions in academia, government, and industry. This includes co-founders Dr. Elias Zerhouni and Dr. Gary Nabel, who have extensive experience in biomedical imaging, engineering, and academic research. The team's collective expertise and experience position the company well for future growth and innovation in the biotechnology sector.

Keywords: Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Industry, Complex Diseases, Therapeutic Solutions, Research and Development, Biomedical Imaging, Engineering, Academic Research, Strategic Partnerships, Innovation.