Anders Pink

Anders Pink

Anders Pink is an award-winning content curation tool. Learn more

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Company register number 09302389
Hove England (HQ)

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Anders Pink specializes in AI-powered content curation and skills mapping solutions tailored for learning platforms and enterprises. The company operates in the digital learning market, offering a suite of products that include Web Curation and Content to Skills Mapper. These tools help organizations keep their teams updated on relevant topics and skills by integrating curated content directly into existing platforms. Anders Pink serves a diverse range of clients, from leading learning platforms to large enterprises, providing them with the ability to map content to specific skills automatically. The business model revolves around offering these advanced curation solutions through various integration methods such as HTML, API, and SDK, with specific partner and reseller plans. Revenue is generated through subscription fees for their curation services and custom integration solutions.

Keywords: AI-powered, content curation, skills mapping, learning platforms, enterprises, digital learning, Web Curation, Content to Skills Mapper, integrations, subscription-based.